Thursday, August 09, 2007

a poor evangelist is...

someone who proclaims the Gospel and forgets to disciple.

"Go therefore and make disciples!" (Matthew 28:19) Notice He doesn't say, "make believers."


Faint-Hearted said...

Let me ask this a play on words. We as Christians are supposed live the life that we claim to live as believers...honest, sincere, and Christ-Like, not "make believe" correct? Does this also mean that those who God uses us to witness to, we should be there by their side discipling them?

Anonymous said...

I would go a step further - someone isn't presenting the fullness of the gospel if they fail to invite others into a life of discipleship. THAT is the gospel. Forgiveness of sins is not the gospel. Clearly it is an important piece, but it's not the real good news. The good news is that we have a relationship with God.