Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Beautiful Woman

What makes a beautiful woman? Check out this blog with attached video.


Anonymous said...

What do you think makes a woman beautiful? And is it okay for a woman who loves Jesus to pursue physical beauty?

Anonymous said...

I think most women know that the pictures in magazines and in other media are not real or natural and that it takes a crew of artists to make these pictures; however, just having that knowledge does not change women's perception of reality. Unfortunantly, media defines our culture's reality and because our culture likes what we see in the media, culture ends up influencing media (Reciprocal Determinism). Even though the message of most of these advertisements are overtly directed towards women, telling them that this product or that procedure is needed for beauty, the more subliminal message is directed towards men. I think the message is telling men what they should value in a woman, and that a woman should be valued for her looks and not her integrity or character. The article says that women are measuring themselves with an unrealistic yardstick, but men are measuring women with an urealistic yardstick too. So, although a woman can only truly find security in Christ and ultimately it is her responsibility to do so, men can help out by encouraging their female friends to find their security in how God made them. I guess what I am trying to say is that this is not just a woman's problem it is a man's problem too, we need to work together to encourage each other in pursuing the true beauty of character and Life in Christ.

As for what makes a woman beautiful or anyone beautiful for that matter, for me it is their character, integrity and how they treat others and how they treat me as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog and article. It is so true how we as a society men and women place such a high morale on outside beuty. unfortunately becuase we are surrounded by people who continuousely tell us how to dress or look and what women are "hott" and who are not, it gets hard to draw the line between the worlds standards and the Lords. i feel that all of us Christian men and women get that line mixed up and blurred. we see the worlds standards and want those, but in reality we should be seeking the Lords standards which are clearly marked in Proberbs 31. Just a little thought.

A.PETH said...

hmmm. what makes a woman beautiful?...I think its similar to what we would say makes a man beautiful.
We all know about outside beauty and the debates about it...but I think when it comes down to it, its the stuff that digs a little deeper that really gets to us and God.

As for physical appearances...I dunno... I saw this woman @ the post office yesterday, she was all dressed up, but she had a scarf covering her could tell it was because she lost her hair to cancer. And she walked with her head up.
I thought she was beautiful.

its just something thats more than the typical "ideal" thats beauty.
(and, I think I might be living in the wrong city. ha. just kidding...)

Anonymous said...

"charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised!" Prov. 31